



Painting to Catch your Dreams

with Michelle Lee

Saturday, October 5 · view days & times
Price: $75 | $67.50 ArtsQuest Member
Fees: $5 Visual Arts Service Fee on all orders
Additional taxes and fees may apply

Venue: Visual Arts Classroom
Ages: 18+

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Registration Ends Oct. 2

1 Day Workshop

Saturday, October 5 | 12:30-3:30 p.m.

A BYOB paint & sip like no other! Become your own Dreamcatcher as you paint with your free spirit—unleashing your intuitive creativity guided by heARTist and catalyst, Michelle Lee.

Your experience starts as we ignite all the senses to kindle your creative fire! Exploring the Native American origin and meaning of Dreamcatchers, you’ll honor its history while activating new dreams and intentions through short meditations. As this artual (aka art ritual) catches fire, you'll play with colors, layers and sacred geometry to create a 12"" x 24"" dreamcatcher painting that you'll fall in love with.

You'll find peace and get into the zone as we kick left brain logic and structured art processes to the curb. Overthinking and to-do lists drift away as your right brain surrenders to spontaneous flow and heART-first expression. The power of co-creation fuels an art-making journey that will leave you not only stunned at your potential to paint from the wild side, but also inspired to live and catch your dreams.

Gain knowledge & experience in:

  • Native American Dreamcatcher tradition
  • Acrylic painting & layering techniques
  • Art as a meditation & manifestation tool
  • Creative flow state
  • Transformative art techniques
  • Sacred geometry
  • Enhanced connection to intuition
  • Personal growth & empowerment
  • Confidence in your creativity

Through the practice of letting go on the canvas, you’ll carry that new energy into your life! You'll leave having gifted yourself a feeling of fired-up freedom and a gorgeous acrylic painting full of wild energy, built using your own personal power to manifest your dreams.

Treat yourself to a day full of creative, joyful celebration! No art or painting experience required.

The event is BYOB, but art supplies, snacks and the use of essential oils are included. Please message Michelle in advance with any food or scent sensitivities:

A holistic-living, nature-loving mom and lifelong creative business owner, Michelle Lee brings the power of transformation to all she does. She finds inspiration in the abundant contrasts found in life and the natural world?infusing her work with emotional, spiritual energy as heARTist, teacher and coach.

Michelle’s personal healing journey fuels her drive to awaken the inner artist within us all. Through the co-creative power of both online and in-person workshops on The HeARTwoken Way, she delivers a mystical fusion of art medicine (aka play!) and mind, body, spirit practices. To transform our energy and our world, she empowers the ability to heal, live and love free by activating sensual soul connections within ourselves and to all things.

A catalyst for creative change, she is the first certified YogART Workshop Facilitator on the East Coast, a Certified Tantra Ritual and Yoga Teacher (Yoga Alliance RYT 200), AFAA-Certified Group Fitness Instructor, and creator of WickeDraw sensual open drawing sessions. She’s performed as Musikfest’s Demo Artist and has exhibited her artwork at numerous shows at the Banana Factory and other galleries. From Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys to the Poconos and Harrisburg , you can also find her teaching at various yoga studios, spiritual and wellness centers.

Her passion is inspiring others to be the change we want to see in the world, living from the heart of our wild infinite selves.

Venue Information
Visual Arts Classroom
Banana Factory
25 W Third Street
Bethlehem, PA 18015
map & directions
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