



Still Life Painting With Gouache (Session B)

with Lauren Kindle

Wednesday, October 2 · view days & times
Price: $250 | $225 ArtsQuest Member
Fees: $5 Visual Arts Service Fee on all orders
Additional taxes and fees may apply

Venue: Visual Arts Classroom
Ages: 18+

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5 Weeks

Wednesdays, October 2-30 | 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Basic watercolor paper and brushes will be provided, but students must bring their own gouache paint kits to class.

Gouache is a fun and accessible medium for beginners as well as more advanced artists.  Using gouache, students will work from a different still-life set up and complete a small painting each class.  The class is limited to 6 students, so each student will be able to work at their own pace and ability.  Although Lauren will explain many of the traditional rules of painting, her teaching method values experimentation, intuition and playfulness over perfectionism. Emphasis will be placed on composition, color, and expressiveness, rather than on realistic rendering.  We will learn from our mistakes, encounter “happy accidents” and have fun.  Basic watercolor paper and brushes will be provided, but students must bring their own gouache paint kits to class.

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Lauren Kindle is a painter who lives and works in Easton, Pennsylvania. She was the recipient of the 2017 Artist of the Year Award from the Arts Community of Easton. That same year, she was awarded a partial scholarship for an artist residency with JSS in Civita, which gave her the opportunity to paint for two weeks in Civita Castellana, Italy. She earned her Bachelor of Arts with a concentration in Art and Classics at Hampshire College in 2003.

In addition to painting, Kindle is involved in her local arts community. For the past seven years, she has managed a weekly figure drawing group at Lafayette College for local artists. She teaches private painting lessons and workshops from her downtown studio in Easton. She also teaches art classes at the Banana Factory in Bethlehem, PA and Kettle Creek Pottery in Snydersville, PA.

Venue Information
Visual Arts Classroom
Banana Factory
25 W Third Street
Bethlehem, PA 18015
map & directions
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