



Ceramics Open Studio with Gabriella Gentile (8 weeks)

with Gabriella Gentile

Tuesday, October 22 · view days & times
Price: $305 | $274 ArtsQuest Member
Fees: $5 Visual Arts Service Fee on all orders
Additional taxes and fees may apply

Venue: Ceramics/Clay Studio
Ages: 18+

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8 Weeks

Tuesday, October 22-December 10 | 6:30-9:30 p.m.

Ceramics Open Studio is designed for students who have some experience in either/both hand building and wheel throwing and are looking to work independently on projects. Students will work under supervision of instructor, Gabriella Gentile, though students will be given free reign to create whatever projects they would like with as much guidance from the instructor as they would like. Students are allowed use of both hand building stations and wheels during the course of the class. The class will run for 8 weeks, with the last 2 weeks of class being dedicated to glazing work. East student is allotted a 25lb bag of clay with the cost of the class, with the option to purchase an additional 25lb bag during the course of the class if needed. Additional clay is subject to availability.

Gabriella Gentile is a visual artist from Scranton, Pennsylvania. She received her Bachelor of Visual Arts from Keystone College in 2020 where she concentrated in ceramics, sculpture, and graphic design. While Gentile’s main focuses are in ceramics and sculpture, she also has experience and interest in printmaking, drawing, painting, and textile/ fiber arts. She is currently located in Bethlehem, PA where she works as an adjunct professor for Northampton Community College’s ceramics program. Gentile is currently an artist in residence at the Banana Factory where she frequently teaches workshops and classes in the ceramic studio.

Venue Information
Ceramics/Clay Studio
Banana Factory
25 W Third Street
Bethlehem, PA 18015
map & directions
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